Milk & Mocha’s Task Manager - User Guide

By: Sim Khiang Leon Since: 30/9/2019


Milk & Mocha’s (M&M) task manager serves as a personal chatbot assistant to help individuals manage and record their daily tasks in a readily available format. For those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) on top of a beautiful Graphical User Interface (GUI), this application will be perfect for you!

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed on your computer.
  2. Download the latest jar file here.
  3. Double-click the jar file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.
  4. Type the command in the command box and press enter to execute it. Refer to the Features section for a list of all the commands you can try.


Command Format:

Words in { } are parameters supplied by the user. Input integers for task index.

Adding a todo task: todo

Adds a todo to the list of tasks. Format: todo {task}

Example of usage:

todo exercise

Expected outcome:

I've added this task: [T][x] exercise

Adding a deadline task: deadline

Adds a task with a deadline to the list of tasks. Format: deadline {task} /by {deadline}

Specify deadline in date and time (24hr) format: DD/MM/YYYY HHMM

Example of usage:

deadline return book /by 24/11/2019 1700

Expected outcome:

I've added this task: [D][x] return book (by: Nov 24 2019 17:00 PM)

Adding an event task: event

Adds a task as an event with starting and ending times to the list of tasks. Format: event {task} /at {starting date and time} /to {ending time}

Specify starting date and time in date and time (24hr) format: DD/MM/YYYY HHMM Specify ending time in time (24hr) format: HHMM

Example of usage:

event project meeting /at 1/12/2019 1000 /to 1200

Expected outcome:

I've added this task: [E][x] project meeting (at: Dec 1 2019 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

Adding a ‘do after’ task: do

Adds a task that needs to be done after an existing task in the list of tasks. Format: do {task} /after {task index}

task index is the index of the task on the list which needs to be done first.

Example of usage:

do return book /after 2

Expected outcome:

I've added this task: [DA][x] return book (after: read book)

Listing all tasks: list

Shows all current existing tasks in a list. Format: list

Marking a task as done: done

Marks a task with a slash (/) to show that task has been completed. All tasks are set undone (x) initially. Format: done {task index}

task index is the index of the task on the list which is completed.

Example of usage:

done 3

Expected outcome:

I've marked this task as done: [D][/] return book (by: Nov 24 2019 17:00 PM)

Deleting a task: delete

Removes a task permanently from the list of tasks. Format: delete {task index}

task index is the index of the task on the list which is to be removed.

Example of usage:

delete 5

Expected outcome:

I've removed this task: [D][x] return book (by: Nov 24 2019 17:00 PM)

Searching a task: find

Searches for a task in the list of tasks containing the provided keyword/phrase. The search is case sensitive. You can search for specific dates and numbers too.

Format: find {keyword/phrase}

Example of usage:

find book

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list: 1.[T][x] borrow book 2.[T][x] read book 3.[D][x] return book (by: Nov 24 2019 17:00 PM)

Exiting the app: bye

Automatically saves the list of tasks to the existing text file and closes the app window. Format: bye


I do not own the below images used in the GUI:

milk.png mocha.jpg background.jpg